Photochain: A True Blockchain Business Model That Allows Any Contributor To Have Full Control Over The Licensing And Trade Of Digital Images
Photochain: A True Blockchain Business Model That Allows Any Contributor To Have Full Control Over The Licensing And Trade Of Digital Images
Hello investor, this time I will discuss the cryptocurrency project from Photochain. This news I took from Photochain website and whitepaper, here is the summary:
By developing the Photochain platform, we present the possibility for artists to sell their works directly to their customers, on their own terms. Mediated by Smart Contracts, when a sale is made, the seller is paid, and the buyer receives the purchased picture immediately. Thus, Photochain doesn’t require a centralised authority to ensure the correctness of transactions. This reliability is inherently contained in the blockchain technology.
What Is Photochain's ?
Photochain is a true blockchain based business model that, for the first time, enables any contributor to have full control over licensing and trading of their digital images. Photochain taps into new markets by redefining who the content creators are and empowers them to monetize their work in a fair and efficient way.Photochain’s Mission
Photochain has clear advantages for contributors and customers. Contributors at Photochain benefit from an extremely low fee - only 5% of the selling price. Keeping 95% of the final sale price allows contributors to offer their work cheaper. Consequently the market becomes more affordable for customers. This type of fair market not only benefits the users, but should benefit the photography industry as a whole, as the possibility of increased income incentivizes contributors to perform better.
The development of the Photochain platform is an ambitious and organically growing process. Our main aims for the project come under three significant prongs:
- P2P Marketplace
It’s very important to us that only the artists themselves can determine the value of their work and they’re given the opportunity to offer their work to many potential buyers.
- Crypto Economy
- Photochain Digital Copyright Chain: DCC
Photochain Platform
With all currently existing stock photography platforms, the only way security of transactions can be ensured is via central control. Our platform works autonomously, securely and efficiently based on predefined rules.
The Photochain Team does not have any liability or responsibility for illegal behaviours of the sellers. The artist is responsible for the legality of the works they are selling, and is held fully accountable for any illegal activity. However, Photochain will uphold users copyright protection, by preventing any unauthorised sale of photography.
Photochain’s Ecosystem
The Photochain DApp is a platform specialized in the trade of stock photography, in which processes are reduced to a necessary minimum in order to guarantee simplicity and transparency.
Photochain DApp
The Photochain DApp is a platform on which artists have the opportunity to sell their work to a broad audience at a price they themselves set, and where sellers are also fully and solely liable for the works they sell themselves.
֍Photochain DApp Requirements
These are the design requirements for the Photochain DApp. The requirements result from current issues with microstock photography, which we have already presented in the previous sections:
- Decentralized governing bodies: The Photochain DApp network must be decentralized.
- Security: Transactions are intended to be safe and verifiable at all times for both artists and buyers.
- Decentralized Storage: Transaction data, as well as all digital works traded on the Photochain DApp, should be stored decentrally and encrypted. Photochain will use the IPFS protocol and the Photochain DB
- Content: The network is intended exclusively for the trade of stock photography. In particular, offensive content such as pornography will not be allowed.
- License Terms: Observance of copyrights must be ensured.
֍Photochain Client
The picture above shows a schematic architecture DAP Photochain. The Photochain client is the main component. It will first be available as a web client and will then be developed for the current operating system starting with phase 2 of the project. The client is used to realize P2P interactions between the transaction partners and consists of several modules:
The Claim Module is used by Photochain users in order to act against copyright infringements. If a piece is suspected of infringing upon a copyright, the claim module will be invoked. In order to prove copyright infringement for a particular piece, a link to the original source, such as a stock photo, must be provided, from which it can be clearly deduced that:
- The image is the same as on Photochain DApp
- The author’s name is visible and it’s a different artist than the seller on the Photochain DApp
Our machine learning algorithm analyzes whether these requirements are fulfilled. If they are not fulfilled, the claim is automatically rejected, as it’s obviously not copyright infringement. If the requirements are fulfilled, then the moderators will decide over the legitimacy of the claim.
Photochain Token – PHOTON
PHOTON tokens are the means of rewarding users across the Photochain Ecosystem. Any type of transaction on the platform will require the use of PHOTON Tokens.
֍Use cases for the Photon Token are:
- Rewarding the resolving of claims
- Listing on a “featured photographer“ section
- Service delivery from Photochain's partners (like our cooperation partner 1World)
- Featured in search results
- Other microservices, which will facilitate the Photochain Ecosystem in the future
֍Reward system
- For the photographers and their services
The number of PHOTON tokens will be strictly limited by the declared Hard Cap. After the Crowdsale 21% of the PHOTON Tokens will be reserved for the Team, Advisory board, Photochain partners and legals. After this event, no other PHOTON Tokens will be issued.
֍Photochain Token Details
- About: PHOTON Token is the means of reward in the Photochain Ecosystem and represents the tokenization of digital visual works and services.
- Name: PHOTON Token (PHTs)
- Standard: Ethereum ERC20, utility based
- Max Supply (Hard Cap): 230,000,000
- Release date: issued after crowdfunding
- Represented value: tokenization of digital visual works
Idea and business case
- Develop business plan
- Market research
- Development of the DApp prototype
- Start to form team
Preparation for crowdsale
- Marketing and preparation activities
- Get support from blockchain and photography community
- Register company in Estonia
- Start to form advisory team
Private ICO pre-sale
- Private Pre-Sale at special discounts for early supporters
- New partnerships
- Onboarding Beta Customers/Advocates
- Prepare ICO platform provided by Swisscom Blockchain AG
Main ICO sale
- Execute ICO with different stages and discounts
- Establishing a connection to the Cryptovalley
- Regulatory compliance
- New collaboration in the photography industry
- Minting of Photon tokens at the end of the ICO
Prepare go-to market
- Continue developing Photochain DApp
- Mainstream adoption campaigns for Photography industry
- Expand development team
- Photography influencer support campaign
- Trading Smart Contracts on Ethereum Mainnet
- Adoption of Photon token/fiat exchange
- Implementation of new IP Rights management
- Acquisition campaigns (photography stocks) for fast scaling
- Prepare operational services
Launch Platform
- Photochain API for better integration with other services
- Partnering with a famous brand in the photography industry
- Photochain Web - DApp 1.0 with basic functionality on main OS
- Launch support services
- Continue developing Photochain DApp
Business Development
- Client growth strategy
- Accept new forms of payments
- 3rd Party Integrations
- Integrating with other media blockchain DApps
- Simplifying of UI
- Paid microservices for strong revenue
Market Expansion
- Readiness for the complete mass adoption
- blockchain as protocol in the background
- Partnerships with agencies
- Stabilizing the vitality of Photochain ecosystem
- Supporting hardware gadget for Photochain
- (camera support for the uploading the photo direct to Photochain)
Market Domination
- Photochain DApp becomes a standard for the fair photography trading
- Photography stock Market Share of 10%
- Stanislav StolbergCo-Founder, CEOInfoSec Consultant
Digital Transformation Manager - Arthur IshmetevBlockchain DeveloperSoftware Architect
Full-Stack Developer - Haris RanaCMOMarketing Expert
Blockchain Enthusiast - Ralf GerteisBusiness DevelopmentInterim Manager
Blockchain Enthusiast - Jakub StefańskiCTOSoftware Engineer FinTech
Lead Blockchain Developer - Fredi LienhardtPhotographer Relationships OfficerProfessional Photographer, Entrepreneur InsurTech, Passion for digital & technologies
- Dr. Jeannette HeinertCommunicationsDoctor of Medicine
Blockchain Enthusiast - Artur GugelewFinancial Strategy ManagerFinancial Engineer
Cash & Derivatives Exchange Specialist - Brian ColwellBlockchain EvangelistMarketing and Advertising
- Dylan SharkeySales and Investment RelationsEx LinkedIn & Enterprise Ireland
- Samuel ManzaneraTechnology and Software Architecture AnalystFull-Stack Developer
- Peter LaiBlockchain DeveloperFull-Stack Developer
Advisory Board
- Lee WillsonBlockchain AdvisorBlockchain Ambassador
- Alexander SverdlovSecurity AdviserCyber Security Strategy
CISSP - Audrey BaverelCrypto Tax & Accounting AdviserCFO, Founder, CEO Happen Consult, Ex Big 4 Senior Tax Manager
- Marcus SchmittICO AdvisorCEO bei COPYTRACK
Corporate development and Business scaling - Paulo Renato DallagnolLegal AdviserIntellectual Property Lawyer
Copyright & Blockchain - Charles BecquetStrategyMarketing Executive
Photostock Industry Expert - Chang LiuAssoc. Prof. at Ohio UniversityDecentralized Software
Engineering researcher - Jared PolitesStratgey and PR AdviserBlockchain MarketingFormer FBI AnalystGo-To-Market Strategist
- Roberto CapodieciBlockchain and Investor Relations AdvisorBlockchain Tech Expert - Founder @
- Ilya AnikinICO, Investment and Strategy AdvisorManaging and Investment director of VC Funds Sferiq Venture Capital Fund and Imperious Group
- Alex FedosseevAdviserCEO & Founder at 1World Online and Mentor at Google LaunchPad
If you are interested in contributing to this great project, please visit the following links:
Website | Whitepaper | ANN Thread | Twitter | Facebook | Medium | Github | Instagram
BTT Profile: moetimas
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